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Select a zoning district to see the land uses that are allowed and what standards apply.
A Agricultural District 
C1 Restricted Commercial District 
C2  General Commercial District 
I Manufacturing/Industrial District 
MH Manufactured Home Subdivision District 
R1 Single-Family Residential District 
R1L Single-Family Residential District 
R2 Moderate Density Residential District 
R3 Multifamily Residential District 
R4 Multifamily Residential District 
Planned Unit Development
PD Planned Development 

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Overlay Districts
HP - Heritage Preservation Overlay District
Show Description
The Heritage Preservation (HP) Overlay District encompasses most of the original town site of the City of Joshua. The area generally contains a mixture of some of the oldest buildings in Joshua along with newer uses and buildings that have replaced older structures over the years. Vacant lots are scattered throughout the district. The HP Overlay District is designed to transform the area into a historic community focal point of the City with the character of a small Texas town of the early 1900’s.

The standards set forth in this district will ensure design consistency in both the redevelopment of existing structures and in new developments. The HP Overlay District shall be used in conjunction with existing base zoning district in this area.

See § 6.16: HP - Heritage Preservation Overlay District for detailed information on this overlay district.

JSOD - Joshua Station Overlay District
Show Description
The purpose of this district is to provide the maximum flexibility for development of mixed uses and provide high quality development that encourages economic development and creates a diversity of community and maintains the value of property.

See § 6.18: JSOD - Joshua Station Overlay District for detailed information on this overlay district.
Other Map Features
ETJ Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction
Show Description
The Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) is a designated buffer area located just outside of the city limits. In 1963, each municipality was afforded an ETJ by the Texas Local Government Code as a method of defining potential growth and future service boundaries.
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Opportunity Sites
The _______ has a number of properties that are ready for development, some of which are highlighted here.

Whether you want to expand an existing business or open a new one, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to help you evaluate potential options. We may be able to leverage some tools to help.

If you would like to see a property posted on our site, please contact _______ , title          , to get more details. She / he can be reached at (___) ___-___ during normal office hours or via email.  (add email hyperlink)
Details for Selected Property
Zoning District(s)
This property is not located in any zoning districts.
Overlay District(s)
This property is not located in any overlay districts.
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